Player & Coach Portal
EXL Tennis has created a ‘Portal’ area that can be used for many aspects regarding a player’s development.
Tennis and sport help an individual more than just physically and being better organised and prepared bring many other benefits, like self-confidence and improved focus in other areas of life.
Why not make some changes for the better, introduce new, positive, daily habits, maybe get up earlier, maybe eat healthier, maybe prepare for your training and matches better, what have you got to lose?
Match & Training Journaling
Journaling can help any competitor understand more about their game, learn from mistakes and take the appropriate action.
We don’t claim to have reinvented the wheel but not enough Tennis players do it!
Why not learn from your mistakes and never waste a training session. Every LOSS can become a LEARN and it may take only a few words.
Video Analysis
Share and review clips of your game and matches or make a fun video to make your team smile.
File Sharing
You can download and share any documents within the App, maybe nutritional advice, interesting articles, or passport details of a player
Stats took from player and match journaling including work ethic, enjoyment, and attitude, vital information for any athlete wishing to improve
Drills & Coaching
Drills, exercises and insight from some of the best coaches and players from around the world, all categorised for your convenience
Create Sessions
You can go through the drills or exercises and pick out the ones you love and create your own ‘favourite’ session
Share Sessions
Why not share some of your favourite videos or fitness exercises with your peers and start some interesting debates and discussions
Smart Coach
This feature will create a session specifically for you, learning from the information you gave in the ‘Areas Of Improvements’ boxes
Please send us a message if you have any questions, queries or simply want some support. We are always happy to help
Internal Messaging
All player/coach engagement is now stored in one place so you will never lose important advice or information ever again